Saturday, May 27, 2006

A new mask to wear..

We all but wear a number of masks... for we can never truly reveal our true selves. In our lifetime, we wear masks to adjust to people and the situations we are in. It's our simple way of coping with the reality that we are living without really compromising who we really are.

Masks are not to hide our true selves but merely to conceal a part of us from the rest of the world. It is not worn in shame, but worn to protect who we truly are. For we all know that the world simply cannot understand nor comprehend the things that truly lie beneath within us.

For every chapter of our lives, we wear a different set of masks. We simply show the world something they are comfortable with, for we all know we simply cannot please everybody.

I now shall take on a different mask, in a way to adjust to a new chapter in my life. Yet that will not mean I shal truly give the world a different perspective of myself. It's just an act of concealing a part of me from the rest.

Shiigata ga nai neh..

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