Monday, February 27, 2006

Cry Freedom

Feb 25 is the celebration of the EDSA People Power that happened 20 yrs ago... a mass undertaking of the Filipino to ouster a dictator that held the country under martial law... we made history on that day...

now 20 yrs later... I am afraid.. the Filipino people failed to uphold the glory and the essence of EDSA People Power... and on the day of its 20th anniversary.. the country is gripped again into political turmoil prelude to another Martial Law... "State of Emergency" as the government justifies it.. but what is actually happening is still the same as what happened 20 yrs ago.

A desperate attempt by a leader so greedy to hold her place in power that she would neglect the basic civil rights of every Filipino in order to get what she wanted... she feeds her lies to the public with bribery and self-promotion... and with questionable and unconstitutional means...

A pity... it has been 20 years now.. and yet we still failed to uphold the true meaning of EDSA People Power... and I'm afraid, if we can't understand what EDSA really is... we are bound to commit the same mistakes again and again...
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